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๐Ÿš Rice Production by Country

๐Ÿš Rice Production by Country

Rice Production Around the World

Rice is a critical staple food, nourishing more than half the world's population. Its cultivation and production are integral to the global economy, with numerous countries cultivating thousands of acres of rice fields annually. Notably, the United States remains a significant contributor to worldwide rice production and trade.

As of recent reports, U.S. rice production accounts for approximately 2% of the total global output, marking an 8.4 million ton annual contribution. The U.S., alongside countries in Asia, Africa, and South America, shares in the complex activity of rice production, ultimately supporting both local consumers and global markets.

Key findings from the data include:

  • The countries leading in rice production include China, with an astounding 211.4 million tons, and India, the second-largest producer globally, boasting an annual yield of 177.6 million tons.
  • Asian countries such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Vietnam represent significant rice producers, annually generating between 43.4 million tons (Vietnam) and 54.6 million tons (Indonesia, Bangladesh).
  • In comparison to these production giants, the United States gathers an annual rice harvest of about 8.4 million tons. This volume is on par with one of Africa's largest producers, Nigeria.
  • Conversely, countries like Jamaica produce significantly less, with an output of merely one ton, highlighting the wide spectrum of production volumes worldwide.
  • Rice production is not only a staple for diets but also essential for many countries' economies, such as Thailand and Vietnam, where rice exports are critical to their Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Each country's rice landscape presents unique environmental, cultural, and socio-economic factors contributing to its production footprint. Understanding these facets not only illuminates global food security but the agricultural practices that continually shape and uphold our global economies.

World's Largest Rice Producers

By Country

Full Data Set

The data points presented are defined as follows:

  • Rice Production - A countries annual production of rice. Measurement is in tons.
  • Production per Person - A countries total output of rice divided by it's population. Measurement is in kilograms (Kg).
  • Rice Acreage - The total amount of hectares a country dedicates to growing rice.
  • Yield per Hectare - The amount of rice a country is able to produce for a single hectare of land. Measure is in kg / hectare.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Rice Production

Year: 2022

Source: Rice Production - Food and Agriculture Organization United Nations

Rice Production per person

Year: 2022

Source: Rice Production per person - Big Atlas

State Name

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