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Soybean Production by Country

Soybean Production by Country

Global Soybean Production

Soybeans, a versatile legume with versatile applications in food, animal feed, and industrial products, play a crucial role in global agricultural economies. The United States is often at the heart of the conversation due to its predominant role in global soybean production, alongside other major players like Brazil and Argentina. The profile of global soybean production offers key insights into shifts in the economic landscape, global trade tendencies and challenges faced in different geographic locales.

Based on the most recent data, here are some pivotal trends in the international soybean production arena:

  • Brazil took the lead as the highest soybean producing country globally, boasting a massive 114.3 million tons production.
  • Second to Brazil, the United States lagged slightly behind with a still impressive 96.8 million tons of soybeans produced.
  • Argentina rounded the top three with a significant production of 55.3 million tons.
  • Asian countries, China and India, follow the lead with 15.7 and 13.3 million tons respectively, showcasing the growing focus on soybean production in Asia.
  • Other notable players in soybean production include Paraguay, Canada, and Russia, producing 8.5, 6, and 4.4 million tons respectively.

Despite the fluctuating market dynamics and variable climate conditions, these regions consistently top the chart in soybean production. As we continue to delve into the data, we illuminate the interconnected nature of the global soybean market and the forces at play shaping its landscape.

World's Largest Soybean Producers

By Country

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