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Countries by Average IQ

Countries by Average IQ

Average IQ in the World

IQ is a measure of a person's cognitive ability compared to the general population. It is calculated through standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. The average IQ is set at 100 in most IQ tests, with scores above and below this number indicating higher and lower cognitive ability, respectively.

The process of measuring IQ involves a series of tests that assess various aspects of intelligence, including memory, problem-solving skills, mathematical ability, and linguistic skills. These tests are carefully designed and calibrated to ensure accuracy and fairness.

Our article draws heavily from the study "The Intelligence of Nations" by Richard Lynn and David Becker, which provides a comprehensive dataset of national IQs. The study uses a rigorous methodology to estimate and calculate national IQs, ensuring transparency and accuracy. Some highlights from the study include Japan having the highest average IQ in the world, and the observation that factors such as education, healthcare, and socio-economic conditions can significantly influence a country's average IQ.

As we explore the average IQ by country, it's important to remember that IQ is just one measure of cognitive ability and does not capture all aspects of human intelligence. Furthermore, a country's average IQ is not a definitive measure of its citizens' potential or capabilities. With that in mind, let's delve into the intriguing world of IQs.

Countries with the Highest IQ

In the realm of cognitive ability, as measured by IQ scores, certain countries consistently rise to the top. These countries, with their robust educational systems, commitment to research and development, and efficient policies, have achieved remarkable success in fostering high average IQs among their populations.

Top 10 Highest IQ Countries

  1. Japan (106.48)
  2. Taiwan (106.47)
  3. Singapore (105.89)
  4. Hong Kong (105.37)
  5. China (104.1)
  6. South Korea (102.35)
  7. Belarus (101.6)
  8. Finland (101.2)
  9. Liechtenstein (101.07)
  10. Germany (100.74)

Countries with Lowest IQ

The countries with the lowest average IQ include Nepal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guatemala, Cape Verde, Gambia, Nicaragua, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Ghana. Nepal holds the record for the lowest average IQ among the listed countries with an average IQ of 42.99. In close competition, Liberia and Sierra Leone shares the same average IQ, reporting a value of 45.07. Guatemala, on the other hand, averages slightly higher with an average IQ of 47.72. 

The African nation of Cape Verde, and Gambia, too, don't lag too far behind with average IQ values of 52.5 and 52.68, respectively. Central American nation Nicaragua follows with an average IQ of 52.69. Guinea in West Africa has an average IQ score of 53.48. The countries of Ivory Coast and Ghana both share the same average IQ score of 58.16.

10 Lowest IQ Countries:

  1. Nepal - 42.99 
  2. Liberia - 45.07 
  3. Sierra Leone - 45.07 
  4. Guatemala - 47.72 
  5. Cape Verde - 52.5 
  6. Gambia - 52.68 
  7. Nicaragua - 52.69 
  8. Guinea - 53.48 
  9. Ivory Coast - 58.16 
  10. Ghana - 58.16

IQ by Country

Full Data Set

The data points presented are defined as follows:

  • Average IQ - A measure of a person's cognitive ability compared to the general population. It is calculated through standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Country has the Highest IQ?

The country with the highest average IQ is Japan, with an average IQ of 106.48, according to "The Intelligence of Nations - 2019" by Richard Lynn and David Becker. This high average IQ is likely due to a combination of factors, including Japan's rigorous educational system, significant investment in research and development, and efficient policies, particularly in education and technology.

2. What is the Average IQ in the UK?

According to "The Intelligence of Nations - 2019" by Richard Lynn and David Becker, the United Kingdom has an average IQ of 99.12 - the 20th highest average IQ in the world. This figure is based on several studies and measurements, including the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R), the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), and the Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM), among others.

3. What Country has the Lowest IQ?

According to the most recent global study of IQ "The Intelligence of Nations - 2019", the countries with the lowest IQ scores are Liberia and Sierra Leone, both with a final national IQ of 45.07, and Nepal with a final national IQ of 42.99. However, the authors caution that these extremely low IQs could not be confirmed by school assessment studies and that the results should be viewed with reservations due to the age of the studies and the use of ethnic minorities in the samples.

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