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Circumcision By Country

Circumcision By Country

Global Circumcision Trends

Circumcision, a historic and widely practiced custom, attracts quite diversified views worldwide, ranging from religious adherence and health benefits to controversies surrounding human rights. Amidst these perspectives, the prevalence of circumcision varies greatly from one country to another.

 The United States showcases a notably high incidence of circumcision, with 80.5% of men being circumcised. This ranking positions the U.S. significantly above most European countries but below several countries in the Middle East and Africa. These discrepancies underscore the influence of diverse cultural, religious, and medical beliefs on this practice.

Key findings from the data include:

  • The prevalence of circumcision is extremely high in several countries, particularly those with a strong Islamic influence. Countries like Morocco, Palestine, and Afghanistan have circumcision rates of virtually 100%.
  • In contrast, some countries have very low rates of circumcision, substantially below 1%. These include various nations in both Europe (such as Poland and Iceland) and Latin America (including Ecuador and Guatemala).
  • While the U.S. figure of 80.5% is high in global terms, several countries outpace it. Notable examples include many nations in both the Middle East (such as Iraq and Turkey) and Africa (including Gabon and Nigeria).
  • More broadly, the data reveals substantial regional patterns related to religion, culture, and tradition. The highest rates of circumcision tend to be in predominantly Muslim countries, while rates are much lower in a number of predominantly Christian nations.

It's important to treat these global trends with nuance, understanding the multitude of factors contributing to these figures. With this data in hand, we bring clarity to the diverse practice of circumcision globally, enabling readers to appreciate how these trends translate into the broader world of public health, religion, and cultural norms. 

Most Circumcised Countries

Circumcision is a common practice in many countries around the world, particularly for cultural, religious, and health reasons. 

10 Countries with Highest Circumcision Rates (% of men circumcised):

  1. Morocco - 99.9% of men
  2. Palestine - 99.9% of men
  3. Afghanistan - 99.8% of men
  4. Tunisia - 99.8% of men
  5. Iran - 99.7% of men
  6. Western Sahara - 99.6% of men
  7. Comoros - 99.4% of men
  8. Mauritania - 99.2% of men
  9. Gabon - 99.2% of men
  10. Yemen - 99.0% of men

The prevalence of circumcision in these countries can be attributed to various factors, including religious beliefs, cultural practices, and the societal perception of circumcision as a mark of cleanliness or initiation into manhood. However, practices and viewpoints vary widely across regions and communities within these countries.

By Country

Full Data Set

The data points presented are defined as follows:

  • % of Circumcised Men - The percentage of adult males that are circumcised.

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