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Coldest States

Coldest States

Chilled to the Bone: America's Coldest States

Climate in the United States is as diverse as its people, stretching from sun-soaked beaches to snow-capped mountains and everything in between. Driven by its immense size and geographical diversity, this nation experiences a kaleidoscope of climates from Alaska's subarctic spectacle to Florida's tropical paradise, reflecting the climatic tapestry of the United States.

To provide a deep dive into the chilling realities of the coldest states in America, we leveraged the Average Annual Temperature of each state. Our comprehensive tableau spans from chilly Alaska reigning supreme with a frosty 28.1 °F average to sun-bathed Florida, boasting a balmy 71.5 °F average.

  • Alaska, with its subarctic and tundra climates, is the coldest state in the United States, with an average temperature of 28.1 °F. At the other end of the spectrum, Florida, famous for its subtropical and tropical climates, is the warmest state with an average temperature of 71.5 °F.
  • The coldest states predominantly lie in the northern regions of the United States, farthest from the equator, such as North Dakota, Minnesota, and Maine, with average temperatures of 41.1 °F, 41.8 °F, and 41.9 °F respectively. 
  • Climate varies widely within states. For instance, while California strikes an average of 59.1 °F, making it one of the warmer states, it features diverse climates ranging from Mediterranean in coastal areas, desert in the interior, to alpine in the mountainous regions.
  • Mountainous states like Wyoming and Montana feature in the list of coldest states, with average temperatures of 42.3 °F and 42.6 °F respectively. These states' colder temperatures are largely due to their higher elevations.
  • Midwest states (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota) showcase a distinctive pattern in the dataset, revealing colder average temperatures than those in the exact geographically horizontal line (the same latitude) on the East Coast, exemplifying the considerable interior continental climate effect.

10 Coldest States

Topping our list is the subarctic state of Alaska, which sees an average yearly temperature of 28.1 °F, a testament to its harsh climatic conditions and high latitudes. Followed by North Dakota, with an average temperature of 41.1 °F, demonstrating the palpable influence of the Great Plains' continental climate and accentuating the general trend toward colder conditions in the northern midwest states.

Minnesota and Maine come next, both with near-identical average temperatures of 41.8 °F and 41.9 °F respectively. The former is known for its biting winters, and the latter enjoys a humid continental climate moderated somewhat by its proximity to the ocean.

The Mountain West states of Wyoming and Montana feature midway through our list with average temperatures of 42.3 °F and 42.6 °F, respectively. Here, high altitudes collude with continental influences to keep average temperatures low.

Tasting a hint of east coast chill, Vermont comes next with an average temperature of 43.2 °F, while Wisconsin follows closely behind at an even 44 °F. Idaho shares the same ranking as Wisconsin at an average 44 °F as the states lay within the continental climate zone.

New Hampshire rounds off the top ten coldest states, clocking in an average temperature of 44.2 °F, its chilly disposition shaped by its duality of coastal and alpine climates.

10 Coldest States:

  1. Alaska - 28.1 °F
  2. North Dakota - 41.1 °F
  3. Minnesota - 41.8 °F
  4. Maine - 41.9 °F
  5. Wyoming - 42.3 °F
  6. Montana - 42.6 °F
  7. Vermont - 43.2 °F
  8. Wisconsin - 44 °F
  9. Idaho - 44 °F
  10. New Hampshire - 44.2 °F

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