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Most Libertarian States

Most Libertarian States


Liberty, individual freedom, and minimal government intervention are the essence of the libertarian philosophy. As a political movement, libertarianism champions the core mantra "minimum government, maximum freedom". Across the United States, where liberty is inherent in every human, Libertarianism has garnered a significant following, influencing the political climate within states. While state interventions and policies vary considerably, certain regions have been identified as more libertarian-leaning because of their dedication to upholding this philosophy. Utilizing the 'Freedom Index', we have analyzed and ranked states based on their adherence to libertarian values.

  • States with a higher 'Freedom Index' ranking, such as New Hampshire, Florida, and Nevada, exhibit greater emphasis on libertarian values and principles.
  • A geographical pattern shows that the majority of the top 10 libertarian-leaning states are located in either the Southeast (Florida, Tennessee, and Georgia) or the Midwest (South Dakota, Indiana, and Michigan).
  • A curious observation is the lower ranking of Texas and Alaska on the 'Freedom Index', states often perceived as strongholds of individual liberty and limited government.
  • Despite being home to the Libertarian Party's birthplace, Colorado ranks relatively mid-pack (12th).

10 Most Libertarian States

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