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Internet Speeds By Country

Internet Speeds By Country

A Look at Global Internet Speeds

As our world becomes exponentially more digital, internet speed has become a critical factor in bridging communication gaps, accessing information, and enhancing economic performance. From commerce to education, the importance of a robust internet infrastructure and speedy connectivity can't be overstated. This article offers a broad overview of current internet speeds across the globe, with a specific focus on the United States.

Using data gathered in 2022, we take a comprehensive look at how countries stack up in terms of broadband speeds, identifying world leaders, significant trends, and areas for improvement. Of the 132 countries analyzed, there is a significant variation in internet speeds, indicating the broad spectrum of digital development worldwide.

Key findings from the data include:

  • The tiny principality of Monaco tops the chart globally, with an impressive average broadband speed of 261.82 Mbps. 
  • The United States ranks 13th worldwide, with an average broadband speed of 203.81 Mbps. While not in the top ten, the US shows competitive speeds compared to many other developed countries.
  • The Asian countries, Singapore, and Hong Kong, rank 2nd and 3rd respectively, exhibiting the region's emphasis on solid digital infrastructure. South Korea also claims a spot in the top 10 with a speed of 212.57 Mbps.
  • On the lower end of the spectrum, Cuba and Turkmenistan report the slowest average broadband speeds amongst the measured countries, with 4.01 Mbps and 4.11 Mbps respectively - a sharp contrast to the leading nations.
  • Of the countries surveyed, 19 achieve average broadband speeds of over 200 Mbps, showcasing the potential for high-speed internet access worldwide.

As we explore the world's digital landscape, we can appreciate the importance of robust broadband infrastructure in fostering connectivity, facilitating economic growth, and bridging the digital divide. With ongoing advancements in technology, these metrics provide valuable insight into global internet performance and the push towards a more connected future.

Countries With Fastest Internet Speed

The world today is more connected than ever, and internet speed is a vital aspect of that connectivity. Internet speed varies from one country to another and a few countries stand out because of their outstanding average broadband speeds. 

Monaco is at the top of the list with the highest broadband speed of 261.82 Mbps. Singapore follows closely with a broadband speed of 255.83 Mbps while Hong Kong comes in third, delivering an average speed of 254.70 Mbps. Romania also flaunts impressive speeds ranking fourth globally and offering a speed of 232.17 Mbps.

Switzerland isn't far behind with an average speed of 229.96 Mbps and Denmark has an equally commendable average speed of 227.91 Mbps. Thailand has a broadband speed averaging at 225.17 Mbps, making it the seventh fastest. Meanwhile, Chile, France, and South Korea offer 217.60 Mbps, 214.04 Mbps, and 212.57 Mbps respectively.

10 Countries with the Highest Internet Speeds:

  1. Monaco - 261.82 Mbps
  2. Singapore - 255.83 Mbps
  3. Hong Kong - 254.70 Mbps
  4. Romania - 232.17 Mbps
  5. Switzerland - 229.96 Mbps
  6. Denmark - 227.91 Mbps
  7. Thailand - 225.17 Mbps
  8. Chile - 217.60 Mbps
  9. France - 214.04 Mbps
  10. South Korea - 212.57 Mbps

Countries With Lowest Internet Speeds

The countries with the lowest reported internet speeds are mostly located in the regions of Africa and the Middle East. Topping the list is Cuba, with its average broadband speed crawling at just 4.01 Mbps, followed closely by Turkmenistan with a slightly higher speed of 4.11 Mbps.

In the Middle East, Yemen and Sudan have equally low broadband speeds, recording an average of 7.59 Mbps and 7.92 Mbps respectively. Equatorial Guinea, a small country on the west coast of Central Africa, averages at 7.95 Mbps.

Further afield in Central Asia, Afghanistan struggles with a broadband speed of only 8.26 Mbps. Back in Africa, Guinea and Mozambique present low broadband speeds of 8.84 Mbps and 9.27 Mbps respectively. North African countries Algeria and Tunisia round out the bottom ten with slightly higher speeds of 10.43 Mbps and 11.13 Mbps respectively. 

The ten countries with the lowest internet speeds are:

  1. Cuba - 4.01 Mbps
  2. Turkmenistan - 4.11 Mbps
  3. Yemen - 7.59 Mbps
  4. Sudan - 7.92 Mbps
  5. Equatorial Guinea - 7.95 Mbps
  6. Afghanistan - 8.26 Mbps
  7. Guinea - 8.84 Mbps
  8. Mozambique - 9.27 Mbps
  9. Algeria - 10.43 Mbps
  10. Tunisia - 11.13 Mbps

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Year: 2023

Source: Global Speedtest Index - Speedtest

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