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Largest Countries In Africa

Largest Countries In Africa


Africa, the world's second-largest continent, is a landmass of great diversity and grandeur. It is a vast tapestry of sweeping deserts, dense rainforests, towering mountains, and expansive savannas, crisscrossed by some of the world's most iconic rivers. Africa’s size is reflected in its vast nations, and this article aims to delve into the topography of the continent's decades-long political borders, determining which are the largest countries on the African continent by land area.

The African continent is home to some of the world's largest countries. African nations are mammoth territorial expanses, a testament to their significant spatial presence on the world map. 

Key findings from the data include:

  • Algeria, with a whopping 2.4 million square kilometers, is the largest country in Africa and the 10th largest globally. Its vast landscapes span the Mediterranean coastline, the Sahara Desert, and the Atlas Mountains.
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo is the second-largest with 2.3 million square kilometers, containing some of the largest and least exploited deposits of natural resources in the world. 
  • Sudan, Libya, Chad, and Niger follow, each with land areas exceeding a million square kilometers. Their size encompasses a range of landscapes from deserts to mountains to savannas.
  • Within the top 10 largest African countries, South Africa and Ethiopia are the only two which harbor populations exceeding 100 million individuals.

10 Largest Countries in Africa

Algeria is the largest of all African nations with an impressive 2.4 million square kilometers. Algeria stands not only as the largest in Africa but also holds the title of the tenth largest on a global scale. 

The Democratic Republic (DR) of Congo makes its mark as the second largest African country, comprising a land area of 2.3 million square kilometers. Coming in third is Sudan, covering an impressive 1.9 million square kilometers of the African terrain. Libya is next with 1.8 million square kilometers, followed closely by both Chad and Niger with 1.3 million square kilometers each. 

Angola, Mali, South Africa all command substantial presences as well with 1.2 million square kilometers each. Ethiopia, the last on this list, still wields a respectable size with 1.1 million square kilometers to its name.

10 Largest Countries in Africa by Land Area:

  1. Algeria - 2.4M sq km
  2. DR Congo - 2.3M sq km
  3. Sudan - 1.9M sq km
  4. Libya - 1.8M sq km
  5. Chad - 1.3M sq km
  6. Niger - 1.3M sq km
  7. Angola - 1.2M sq km
  8. Mali - 1.2M sq km
  9. South Africa - 1.2M sq km
  10. Ethiopia - 1.1M sq km

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