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Poorest Asian Countries

Poorest Asian Countries

Poverty in Asia

Asia, the largest and most diverse continent, presents a dynamic economic landscape that includes both some of the world's richest and poorest countries. Despite significant economic advances in the region, poverty remains persistent in several nations. 

These countries, despite being rich in natural resources or human capital, face various challenges in terms of infrastructure, political stability, education, healthcare, and economic policy that hinder their growth and development.

Key findings from the data reveal:

  • Afghanistan, with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of just $500, holds the unenviable position of being the poorest country in Asia, reflecting the severe economic hardships intensified by ongoing conflict and political instability.
  • While Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Cambodia, with GNIs per capita ranging from $1,190 to $1,490, also struggle significantly with economic issues, primarily due to uneven development, political challenges, and in some cases, conflict.
  • Central Asian countries, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, with GNIs per capita of $1,060 and $1,160, respectively, also rank among Asia's poorest countries, with their economies constrained by physical isolation, scarce resources, aging infrastructure, and poorly developed institutions.
  • On a somewhat brighter note, despite its lower GNI per capita of $1,900, India has made remarkable strides in reducing extreme poverty, but still faces the enormous task of improving wealth distribution and investing in rural areas.
  • Meanwhile, Yemen, although richer than Afghanistan, remains ravaged by war, impending famine, and severe economic blockade, with a GNI per capita of $940.

These findings illustrate the vast contrasts in wealth between Asian countries. Such regional disparities underscore the need for targeted policy measures and international support to uplift those facing the harshest economic conditions and to facilitate sustainable development in these nations. 

10 Poorest Asian Countries

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Year: 2022

Source: GNI per capita, Atlas - The World Bank

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