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Oil Consumption by Country

Oil Consumption by Country

Crude Oil Consumption Worldwide

As the literal lifeblood of modern civilization, crude oil - a natural, viscous liquid running the gamut from yellow to jet black - is a significant factor in shaping the global socio-economic landscape. As the principal source of transportation fuel and heating oil in many parts of the world, crude oil is processed into a variety of products including, but not limited to gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oils, and lubricating oils.

Data such as crude oil consumption can offer intriguing insights into a country's economic health, industrial activity level, and standard of living. The data also serves as a mirror of a country's regulatory policies on energy consumption, their environmental consciousness, and readiness to adapt to alternative energy sources. 

  • The United States, consuming approximately 19,690,000 barrels per day (Mbbl/d), stands as the largest oil consumer globally - indicating a high level of industrial activity and energy requirements.
  • The second-largest consumer is China, clocking in at 11,750,000 Mbbl/d. Interestingly, the gap between the top two consumers is close to 8 million barrels per day, underscoring the United States' extensive dependence on oil.
  • Developing economies like India show significant oil consumption at around 4,489,000 Mbbl/d, pointing towards rapid industrial growth.
  • Countries known for their vast oil reserves like Saudi Arabia and Russia also feature on the list, signifying high domestic energy consumption alongside their export-oriented oil markets.
  • Smaller countries like Cyprus, despite their minimal industrial activity, show notable oil consumption underlining crude oil's importance for transportation and domestic use.

Countries that use the Most Oil

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