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Mpre Scores By State

Mpre Scores By State

Stepping Stones to the Bar

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE), a 120-minute, 60-question, multiple-choice exam, is pivotal for law students across the United States wishing to practice their legal craft. Required for admission in nearly all U.S. jurisdictions, the MPRE tests an examinee's grasp of established standards regarding a lawyer’s professional conduct. While the exam is uniform, an interesting aspect is the variation in minimum passing scores from state to state, which underlines the importance of these scores on the path to becoming a subject-certified attorney.

  • At the lower end of the MPRE score scale, the minimum passing scores of 75 are seen in five states - Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
  • Interestingly, the largest group of states - including, but not limited to, New York, Texas, and Massachusetts - have settled on an MPRE passing score of 85. This group encompasses 23 states in total.
  • The states with the highest hurdle to overcome are California and Utah, both requiring a minimum passing score of 86 on the MPRE.
  • There is a relatively small spread of minimum pass marks between states – with just 11 points separating the lowest and highest (75 in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, up to 86 in California and Utah).

States with the Highest Required MPRE Scores

States with the Lowest MPRE Scores

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