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Most Conservative States

Most Conservative States


Conservative politics often resonate with calls for smaller government size, minimized regulations, preservation of traditional values and free-market capitalism. The Republican Party is widely recognized as the major conservative political party in the U.S. Correspondingly, conservative-leaning states frequently feature low taxes, limited gun laws, significant religious participation, and limited business regulations.

  • Alabama ranks as the most conservative state with a score of 74 on the conservative scale, followed closely by Indiana and Tennessee both sharing a score of 73. 
  • Southern states occupy seven out of the top ten spots for the most conservative states (Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Georgia) clearly underlining the conservative bias in this region.
  • In the Midwest, South Dakota, Iowa, West Virginia and Missouri also make it into the list of top 20 conservative states.
  • Some Western states, such as Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, and certain Northeastern states like New Hampshire display a high conservative leaning.

10 Most Conservative States

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