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Gini Coefficient By Country

Gini Coefficient By Country

Global Inequality Quantified - The Gini Coefficient

Income and wealth inequality remains a global concern with varying levels of disparity seen across countries. The Gini coefficient, a measure used by economists, offers a numerical representation of this distribution. Ranging from 0 to 1, or 0% to 100%, a Gini coefficient of 0 signals perfect equality (everyone has the same income), while 1 or 100% signals perfect inequality (one person has all the income). The Gini coefficient, thus, forms a comprehensive tool to understand, compare and consequently challenge economic disparities globally.

As per the latest data, the United States had a Gini coefficient of 41.4%, indicating a substantial level of income inequality in the country. However, this level is not the highest globally and the country's ranking provides intriguing context on the income distribution balance around the world.

Key findings from the data include:

  • South Africa had the highest Gini coefficient at 63.0%, suggesting extreme income and wealth disparity within the nation. Namibia, Suriname, Zambia, and Sao Tome and Principe followed closely with percentages over 56%.
  • Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South America, such as Brazil and Botswana, feature prominently among the nations with the highest wealth and income inequality. 
  • Conversely, several European nations, like Slovenia, Czech Republic, and Belarus, exemplified lower Gini coefficients, implying a more equitable distribution of wealth and income. 
  • Iceland had a Gini coefficient as low as 26.1%, amplifying its reputation as one of the world's most equitable nations. 
  • Among the world's biggest economies, the United States featured a higher Gini coefficient (41.4%) compared to countries like the United Kingdom (35.1%), Germany (31.9%) and France (32.4%).

These insights equip us with a clearer understanding of financial inequality on a global scale, drawing attention to areas where action is needed to reduce economic disparities and foster more equitable growth.

Countries With Highest Gini Coefficient

Countries With Lowest Gini Coefficient

By Country

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