Assessing a state's intelligence is an intricate task considering the numerous factors that contribute to education and smartness. While some states demonstrate a high level of intelligence due to favorable circumstances, others significantly lag behind due to various underlying issues. A significant role is attributed to the state's GDP, the access to quality education, family income, educational standards, and even societal attitudes towards learning. By taking a closer look at the data collected by 'Penn Stakes', we assess each state based on IQ scores, SAT scores, ACT scores, and the percentage of college graduates, crucial factors that provide a snapshot of the intelligence levels.
Falling at bottom place is West Virginia with an intelligence index of 12.6, followed by Mississippi at 13.3. Louisiana, with an intelligence index of 15.2, takes the third rank from the bottom.
Arkansas and Nevada follow suit, with indexes being 19.1 and 20.0, respectively. The southwestern state of New Mexico ranks sixth from the bottom, with an index of 20.4. Alabama and Oklahoma have comparable indexes at 22.4. Texas, with its large and diverse population, has an index of 23.9. Finally, South Carolina lands a spot in the ten 'dumbest' states with an index of 28.0.
10 Dumbest States: