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World War II Casualties By Country

World War II Casualties By Country

The Toll of World War Two

World War II was the deadliest conflict in human history. During the conflict, an estimated 70M people perished which reflected over 3% of the world population at the time. Although the bulk of the fighting was concentrated in Europe, Asia, and Africa, there wasn't a single country that wasn't impacted by the conflict through either direct warfare or its secondary effects that led to mass starvation and disease within the civilian population. 

A detailed look at the data reveals several key insights:

  • Although sometimes overshadowed and often underreported, countries in Asia like China and India recorded massive losses, with an estimated 20M people and 3M people lost. 
  • While military losses were extremely significant the bulk of losses during WW2 came from civilians. With over 50M deaths (70% of all losses) occurring due to war related disease, starvation, and war crimes.

Countries With Highest World War II Casualties

Among the countries involved in World War II, China, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Japan, India, Belarus, Hungary, and Greece represent those with the highest recorded casualties. 

Leading the list is China with an approximate total of 20.0M deaths. Closely following in the grim tally is Russia, which recorded around 14.0M deaths during World War II. Ukraine, meanwhile, lost approximately 6.9M of its people during the conflict, making it the third highest in terms of casualties. 

Poland came fourth with around 6.0M deaths. It is closely followed by Germany, which experienced a staggering 5.7M deaths during the war. 

In Asia, aside from China, Japan endured significant losses as well with around 3.1M casualties, a death toll mirrored by India. Belarus, on the other hand, counted around 2.3M deaths during the war's course. 

Lastly among these top ten, Hungary had approximately 864.0K casualties while Greece recorded about 807.0K deaths during World War II. 

10 Countries with the Highest World War II Casualties: 

  1. China - 20.0M
  2. Russia - 14.0M
  3. Ukraine - 6.9M
  4. Poland - 6.0M
  5. Germany - 5.7M
  6. Japan - 3.1M
  7. India - 3.1M
  8. Belarus - 2.3M
  9. Hungary - 864.0K
  10. Greece - 807.0K

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