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Unemployment Rate By State

Unemployment Rate By State


The labor market scenario across different states in the United States offers a wide-ranging multi-dimensional view of the current economic climate in each state, reflecting a variety of factors, including industrial composition, education level, and overall state policies. The Unemployment Rate, reported by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, is a crucial parameter in gauging the health of each state's economy.

The unemployment rate is often seen as a measure of the economic health of the country. It influences everything from consumer spending and inflation to socio-political environments within regions.

Key findings:

  • Unemployment rates fluctuate widely across the states, ranging from as low as 1.9% in Maryland and North Dakota to as high as 5.4% in Nevada.
  • Generally, unemployment rates are lower towards the northern states. Out of the ten states with the lowest unemployment rates, seven are located towards the northern part of the U.S, indicating better job opportunities or more robust economies in these regions. 
  • The states with the highest unemployment rates include Nevada, District of Columbia, and California, all registering above a 5% unemployment rate. These states' economies have a significant percentage of jobs in sectors that might be more susceptible to volatility or statewide policies affecting employment.
  • In contrast, states like South Dakota, Nebraska, and Vermont, reporting rates below 2.3%, are the best performers. This could be indicative of a diverse and stable job market within these states.

States with Highest Unemployment Rate

States with Lowest Unemployment Rate

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