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Teacher Pay By State

Teacher Pay By State


As the adage goes, 'Knowledge is power.' In the United States, the responsibility of shaping the next generation into knowledgeable, responsible citizens largely falls on teachers. Yet, there exist substantial disparities in teachers' pay across the nation.

A review of the data reveals that:

  • New York state pays the highest average salary to its public school teachers at $92,222 per year, followed by Massachusetts and California, where teachers earn on average $88,903, and $87,275 respectively.
  • On the other end of the scale, Mississippi and South Dakota have the lowest average teacher salary, less than $50,000 annually, with teachers earning on average $47,162 and $49,761 respectively. 
  • There is a significant income disparity between the highest and lowest-paid teachers across the states. The average salary of a teacher in New York, the highest-paying state, is nearly double that of a teacher in Mississippi, the lowest-paying state.
  • Surprisingly, some states renowned for their high cost of living, such as Florida, pay comparatively lower salaries to their teachers. Florida sits at rank 47, with an average teacher salary of $51,230.

Highest Paying States for Teachers

Lowest Paying States for Teachers

By State

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