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Brass Knuckles Legality By State

Brass Knuckles Legality By State


Brass knuckles, those formidable pieces of metal engineered to fit around the knuckles, have been used in hand-to-hand combat for centuries. While many countries worldwide have outright banned their possession and use, the United States lacks a federal regulation. This has resulted in diverse policies across states, with some permitting ownership and others banning them outright. 

  • There's a distinct divide concerning brass knuckle legality across the U.S, with states either labeling them as 'Legal', 'Illegal', or 'With Permit'.
  • No state ranks dominantly over others in terms of legality, indicating a lack of uniform consensus on the issue nationwide.
  • Interestingly, a number of states opt for a middle ground, allowing ownership 'With Permit'. This includes prominent states such as North Dakota, Alabama, and North Carolina.
  • Of all fifty states, the majority lean towards 'With Permit' status, indicating a tendency for regulation over a complete ban or unrestricted legality.

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